101-Prompt Engineering

And related techniques

Prompt Engineering is the art and science of designing and refining input prompts to effectively guide Large Language Models (LLMs) in generating desired outputs. It involves crafting prompts that clearly communicate intent, provide necessary context, and elicit accurate and relevant responses from the model. Prompt engineering techniques are crucial for optimizing LLM performance across various tasks and applications, enabling users to harness the full potential of these powerful AI systems.

Key Concepts

  • Prompt Structure: The organization and formatting of prompts for optimal clarity and effectiveness.

  • Context Provision: Including relevant background information within the prompt.

  • Task Framing: Clearly defining the expected output or task for the LLM.

  • Few-Shot Learning: Providing examples within the prompt to guide the model's responses.

  • Chain-of-Thought Prompting: Encouraging step-by-step reasoning in the model's output.

  • Prompt Templating: Creating reusable prompt structures for consistent interactions.

  • Iterative Refinement: The process of gradually improving prompts based on the model's outputs.

Use Cases

Use Case

Content Generation


Crafting prompts for creating articles, stories, or marketing copy.


Produces more focused and relevant content aligned with specific requirements.

Use Case

Data Analysis


Designing prompts for extracting insights from complex datasets.


Enhances the accuracy and depth of analytical outputs.

Use Case

Code Generation


Structuring prompts for efficient and accurate code writing assistance.


Improves code quality and reduces development time.

Implementation Examples

Example 1: Few-Shot Learning for Text Classification

Few-shot learning involves providing the model with a few examples to guide its understanding of the task. Here's an example for text classification:

Classify the following text as either 'Technical' or 'Non-Technical'. Here are some examples:

Technical: The algorithm's time complexity is O(n log n).
Non-Technical: The sunset painted the sky in vibrant oranges and purples.
Technical: Data normalization is crucial for accurate machine learning models.
Non-Technical: She eagerly opened the gift, wondering what surprise awaited inside.

Now classify this text:
"The quantum computer utilizes superposition to perform complex calculations."


In this example:

  1. The task is clearly defined (classifying text as Technical or Non-Technical).

  2. Multiple examples of both categories are provided.

  3. A new, unclassified text is presented for the model to classify.

  4. The model is expected to use the given examples to inform its classification of the new text.

Example 2: Chain-of-Thought Prompting for Problem Solving

Chain-of-thought prompting encourages the model to show its reasoning process. Here's an example for a math problem:

Solve the following math problem step by step. Here's an example of the reasoning process:

Problem: What is 15% of 80?
Step 1: Convert 15% to a decimal by dividing by 100. 15 ÷ 100 = 0.15
Step 2: Multiply 80 by 0.15. 80 × 0.15 = 12
Therefore, 15% of 80 is 12.

Now, solve this problem using similar steps:
What is 22% of 150?


In this example:

  1. The prompt begins with a clear instruction to solve the problem step by step.

  2. An example problem is solved, demonstrating the desired reasoning process.

  3. A new problem is presented, asking for a similar detailed solution.

  4. The model is expected to generate a step-by-step solution mimicking the example's structure.

Example 3: Role-Based Prompting for Creative Writing

Role-based prompting involves assigning a specific persona to the AI. Here's an example for creative writing:

You are a cyberpunk novelist known for vivid, futuristic city descriptions. Write a short paragraph describing a bustling city square in the year 2150. Include details about technology, architecture, and the atmosphere.

City description:

In this example:

  1. A specific role (cyberpunk novelist) is assigned to the AI.

  2. The task (describing a futuristic city square) is clearly defined.

  3. Specific elements to include (technology, architecture, atmosphere) are mentioned.

  4. The model is expected to generate content in the style of a cyberpunk author.

Best Practices

  1. Be specific and clear in task instructions.

  2. Provide relevant context to guide the model's understanding.

  3. Use examples (few-shot learning) for complex or nuanced tasks.

  4. Encourage step-by-step reasoning for problem-solving tasks.

  5. Iterate and refine prompts based on the model's outputs.

  6. Maintain consistency in prompt structure for similar tasks.

  7. Consider the model's token limit when designing prompts.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

  • Ambiguous Instructions: Be explicit about the desired output format and content.

  • Lack of Context: Provide necessary background information for the task at hand.

  • Overcomplicating Prompts: Keep prompts concise while including essential information.

  • Ignoring Model Limitations: Be aware of the model's capabilities and limitations when designing prompts.

  • Inconsistent Formatting: Maintain a consistent structure in prompts for similar tasks.

Last updated