Azure OpenAI Embeddings


  1. Log in or sign up to Azure

  2. Create your Azure OpenAI and wait for approval approximately 10 business days

  3. Your API key will be available at Azure OpenAI > click name_azure_openai > click Click here to manage keys


Azure OpenAI Embeddings

  1. Click Go to Azure OpenaAI Studio

  1. Click Deployments

  1. Click Create new deployment

  1. Select as shown below and click Create

  1. Successfully created Azure OpenAI Embeddings

  • Deployment name: text-embedding-ada-002

  • Instance name: top right conner


  1. Embeddings > drag Azure OpenAI Embeddings node

  1. Connect Credential > click Create New

  1. Copy & Paste each details (API Key, Instance & Deployment name, API Version) into Azure OpenAI Embeddings credential

  1. Voila 🎉, you have created Azure OpenAI Embeddings node in Tailwinds


Last updated